Four Seasons of Sensory Bottles

Sensory bottles are clear containers filled with various materials to create a visually fascinating and engaging learning experience to calm and focus the senses.

Classrooms, daycares, and homes have found the benefit of providing sensory bottles to children, as they facilitate a non-messy sensory experience. These bottles create an avenue for children who have difficulty processing tactile (touch) input to increase their sensory input in a different way. This is so important, as sensory input helps us to make sense of our world.

A fun idea is to create a set of four sensory bottles. . . one for each season of the year. I live in Minnesota, which has four seasons. You could create them to suit the seasons where you live too!


New life

Trees budding


Seedlings spring out of the ground

Hibernating animals wake up

My base color will be green


Hot, sunny days

Swimming in a lake or pool

Brightly colored flowers

Crops growing in the fields

My base color will be yellow


Cool evenings by a bonfire

Fiery colored leaves falling from the trees



My base color will be orange


Sparkly snow

Sledding and skiing

Cozy sweaters

Warm coffee and tea

My base color will be blue

How to make a sensory bottle:

1. Collect the items you will need:

  • Plastic bottles that can be sealed completely, such as VOSS bottles, or smaller plastic spice bottles. 

  • Glue (hot glue gun works well)

  • Glitter

  • Water beads (make sure to soak them in a bowl of water before adding them to your sensory bottle)

  • Sequins

  • Legos or other small toys

  • Plastic toy leaves, snowflakes, flowers. . .be creative!

  • Food coloring

  • Vegetable Oil

2. Fill your bottle halfway with water, add food coloring, put on the lid (tight), and shake to evenly distribute the food coloring. Make sure not to add too much food coloring. . .you want to be able to see the items floating in the bottle too!

3. Take the lid off and add all the items to your bottle. Next, fill the remainder of the bottle with oil.

4. Glue the lid on the bottle so it is secure. 

5. Enjoy your sensory bottles!

Nature images from

Sensory bottle image from: https///


How to Create an “Under the Sea” Sensory Bin


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