Using our occupational therapy lens, we support parents in the fostering of their child’s development through education and creation of sensory-friendly spaces.
Orchid meaning: unique, beauty, strength & joy. We know that every family is unique, as is every individual within that family. This uniqueness is what makes us beautiful and fosters strength within the individual and brings joy to everyone around them.
With proper environment and care, orchids are able to thrive and flourish for years; similarly, when provided sensory rich environments specifically tailored to their needs, children will thrive and flourish too.
The small orchid buds symbolize growth. The environments we are developing for the families we serve will help to promote growth and development within the home setting through sensory rich experiences specifically tailored to the needs of each individual we design a space for.

Core Values
Passion resonates throughout each project with top-notch service.
Strive and commit to lifelong learning to ensure evidence-based services.
Individualized compassionate care is provided to each customer.
Attention to detail is provided throughout each environment serviced.
SENSE-ational Spaces in no form replaces traditional occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, or any other rehabilitative or habilitative services. Traditional occupational therapy services provide individualistic assessment and directly target goals to enhance your child’s participation and engagement in self-care tasks, fine motor skills, gross motor abilities, emotional regulation, and sensory processing dysfunction. SENSE-ational Spaces provides enhancement of your selected environment to promote ease and follow through of ADL participation, academics, sensory processing, calming, arousal/emotional regulation, and traditional therapy home programming provided solely by your treating therapist, not the SENSE-ational Spaces team. SENSE-ational Spaces collaboratively enhances your selected environment with sensory equipment to facilitate regulation and movement. SENSE-ational Spaces utilizes spatial design to promote increased participation in everyday activities and is built within the selected environment for greater ease of embedment into a family’s daily routine or business organization.