SENSE-ational Summer Bucket Activity List 

Do you need activities this summer for the kids? Do you need therapist-approved activities for the whole family? Activities that will help your kids develop essential motor skills, get off the screens, and become stronger all while having fun?

As a parent, you may have heard your kid say, “I’m bored!” a time or two in past summers. We have created a list of summer activities that are therapy-approved.  You can carve it into your routine and call it “summer adventure challenge” or “home therapy time”. Print it off and hang it on your fridge!  These activities cost little to no money and use everyday items around the house, all while meeting your children's needs. 

As pediatric occupational therapists, we know that play is the primary occupation of any child. Play is therapy and therapy is play! Getting your kids active and moving around is essential to their well-being. These activities are designed to help boost their skills and help their emotional, physical, and mental needs. 

The activities fall under 6 different categories; outdoor activities, indoor activities, water activities, games, creative “maker” activities, and imagination activities. This summer bucket list of activities will inspire active sensory-based play for kids with built-in heavy work to add proprioceptive input. There are activities that are based on movement for vestibular input and activities that explore different tactile (touch) inputs. These are some back-to-the-basics play of summer motor and sensory activities that can boost those underlying skills that kids need! 

To get the full list, head over to the FREE handout page for a free summer bucket list that can be easily printed off to add to the fridge :)

Outdoor Activities: 

  • Driveway chalk 

  • Explore a new park 

    • Here is a list of the top 10 best parks in the twin cities areas! 

    • A list of things you can do at the park:

      • Climb a tree

      • Pick flowers 

      • Roll down a hill 

  • Exercise:

    • 5 jumping jacks

    • Skip

    • 5 pushups 

    • Run to the next point 

    • Repeat! 

Indoor Activities: 

  • Animal walks 

    • Crab Walk | Start by squatting down close to the ground. Lean backward and place your hands on the ground. You should look like a “tabletop” now. Now walk sideways, while holding your bottom off the ground and your back straight. 

    • Bear Walk | Start in the standing position. Bend over and put both hands on the ground. Now, walk forward with the same leg and arm. So, move your right arm and right leg forward, then the left leg and arm at the same time, then repeat. For an additional challenge, try keeping your legs and arms straight.

    • Frog Jumps | Start in the squatted position. Place your hands on the floor in between your knees. Using your feet, jump forward and land with your hands and feet on the ground.

  • Yoga 

    • Yoga and mindfulness practices have a positive impact on kids and learning. Here is a link to a great yoga youtube video follow-along!

Water Activities: 

  • Water sensory bin 

  • Blow bubbles

  • Sink or float tests

    • Fill the bowl or container about ⅔ full of water. Gently place the objects on the water; some objects will float when you gently put them on the water but sink when you drop them. Can you predict which objects will float and which will sink?


Maker Activities: 

  • DIY playdough 

    • Check out one of our older blog posts on how to make your own!

  • Bake cookies 

    • Here is a link to 25 easy cookie recipes for kids! Add a baking night to your weekly routine :)

Imagination Activities: 

  • Invent something with cardboard 

    • You can turn your cardboard material into anything that you want: A castle, a birdhouse, a wall, a bridge, a car, a spaceship, a star, a planet, a painting, a bookcase, a CV, a storyboard, a puppet, a flag, a money bill, etc.

  • Do a random act of kindness <3

Don’t forget to download the easy printable of your FREE OT Summer Bucket List handout!

Let us know your favorite activity!


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