6 Ways to Use Lavender With Your Kids at Home Today!

Play dough- https://www.google.com/search?q=lavender+play+dough&sxsrf=AOaemvI6m7zOkiKCqx-qzyItFsULwXENQQ:1643225139479&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_vuXVktD1AhUzlIkEHUPPB8wQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1422&bih=641&dpr=1.35#imgrc=gL2GgJ7VJrm_UM

Did you know that lavender can be used for calming and relaxation through our olfactory (smell) input?! It is most often used as essential oil which in that form compounds extracted from plants providing holistic benefits. Essential oils can be applied topically, diffused in the air, or added to things to stimulate our bodies. We can use lavender with our kiddos to help them regulate and calm their bodies to increase attention and be at an optimal arousal state to support participation in various activities throughout their day, such as play, academics, and bedtime. 

Today we are sharing 6 fun ways to incorporate lavender within your day! 

  1. Lavender Sensory Bin


Sensory bins are a great multisensory play activity facilitating many skills and sensory input. Adding lavender scent provides a calming smell to help kids regulate the sensory input. Here is a recipe for lavender sensory rice:


  • 2 pounds of uncooked, dry rice    

  • ½ cup dried lavender flowers

  • 1 gallon-sized zip-lock bag      

  • Tray or bin to play in

  • Lavender essential oil                

  • 1-4 tbsp of non-toxic paint or liquid watercolor

  • Tools and utensils to play with (cups, spoons, whisk, ect.)

  • Tray for rice to dry on


To color the rice, add the rice to the zip-block bag and add the paint or liquid watercolor. Seal the bag and shake the rice and paint until the rice is colored. Add more color and repeat if needed. Lay the rice flat on a cookie sheet to dry for 20 minutes. Once dry, add the desired amount of essential oils drops and lavender flowers to the rice. Then dump the rice into the bin and begin exploring! 

2. Lavender DIY Play Dough

The best thing about this recipe is you don’t have to cook it. The kids can even help you make it. Just make sure you handle the boiling water. Kids love to help and what a great way to teach life skills and work on following directions and safety. 


  • 2 cups of flour           

  •  ½ cup salt

  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil      

  • 2 tbsp cream of tarter

  • 1-1.5 cups of boiling water

  • ½ tsp gell food coloring

  • few drops of glycerine (helps with the smoothness and shine)

  • 3-4 lavender flower heads pulled apart (you can buy online or see if your local store carries them)

  • few drops of lavender essential oil


Mix the dry ingredients then stir in the oil. Add 1 cup of boiling water and stir vigorously until all the clumps are gone. Knead it until it stops being sticky. Add food coloring and essential oil. Add more water if needed to make the consistency just right. Finally, add in the lavender floor heads. Have fun! 

3. Lavender Soap Foam

Soap foam- https://www.google.com/search?q=lavender+soap+foam&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj0-OzAktD1AhUYP80KHS6dDasQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=lavender+soap+foam&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIHCCMQ7wMQJzIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB5QoQtY5hZgtRpoAHAAeACAAb0BiAG2BJIBAzAuNJgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=B6DxYbTZIZj-tAauurbYCg&bih=641&biw=1422#imgrc=qwSO1fkB9FspiM

Here is another DIY sensory play activity using lavender. You need liquid soap, water, food coloring, a hand mixer, and either a bin or baking sheet. We recommend using Dawn dish soap to make it extra fluffy.


Add a 1/2 cup of water, 4 tbsp of soap, and 8-10 drops of food coloring in a mixing bowl. Mix it at the highest speed for at least two minutes and then it is ready to go. 

4. Essential Oil Diffuser


There are so many different types of essential oil diffusers. You can find ones that light up, change colors, and play music. This can be a great tool to further aid in calming and emotional regulation and be placed anywhere in your home. We recommend diffusing lavender in your child’s bedroom to facilitate sleep or a place to do academics to increase attention.

5. Lavender Epsom Salt

Bath time can be a difficult time for yourself and your child. They may resist baths depending on their sensory needs. If bath time is a part of your child’s evening routine, adding lavender Epsom salt to the bathwater may help. The warm water and lavender scent can be soothing and relaxing helping their bodies regulate the sensory input and prepare for bed. 

6. Essential Oil Jewelry 

This can be a fun, fashionable way to smell lavender throughout the day. Your child can wear it all day or during certain times, such as completing homework, sitting in class, or playing with peers. They make a variety of bracelets and necklaces to be personalized to your child’s interests. They make ones for adults too! 

Lavender is a great tool to use for kids and adults! We recommend trying one of these activities one at a time and seeing how your child reacts to the smell. We hope you find these 6 ways fun and enjoyable! 


Empowering Self-Love within our Kiddos


Co-regulation Models Self-regulation